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[Pavol Laco | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 00:15:19 26.08.2009
[Pavol Laco | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 20:26:26 02.05.2009
RET [René Rebarbucha | | ] 5
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 21:02:29 28.11.2008
... [Vladimir Longauer | | ] 5
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 07:51:20 28.10.2008
...Soumrak pod Pálavou... [Ivan Rusek | | ] 1
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 08:26:19 24.10.2008
ako pipo s pajom bolkovu zirafu ustvali [Robo Pritsky | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 14:08:34 14.10.2008
periferie [Beatrix Schemnitz | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 10:56:53 09.10.2008
základ výlučnej spoločnosti je RODINA-L :D
periferie [Beatrix Schemnitz | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 10:55:57 09.10.2008
fotka je z periferie HC.
byrokrati [spicka podujatia | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 00:07:36 30.09.2008
byrokrati [spicka podujatia | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 16:25:29 07.09.2008
Jadrolinija [Pavol Laco | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 09:44:59 07.08.2008
čo to stojí, to chycení?
wedday............ [Martin Valentik | | ] 5
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 12:42:10 12.06.2008
[Jan Peterec | | ] 5
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 21:30:13 25.05.2008
Kostky [Lucie Zajíčková | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 18:34:56 23.05.2008
... . [Milan Stúpala | | ] 5
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 10:01:12 22.05.2008
Cizokrajnej motejl... [Ivan Rusek | | ] 1
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 13:10:43 09.05.2008
Eče jeden motejl.... [Ivan Rusek | | ] 1
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 13:10:31 09.05.2008
...LÁSKA JE LÁSKA... [Ivan Rusek | | ] 0
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 13:09:17 09.05.2008
Trojicne namestie v Trnave [Ľuboš Vlček | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 15:39:58 04.05.2008
Trojicne namestie v Trnave [Ľuboš Vlček | | ]
Beatrix Schemnitz | | | 13:43:08 04.05.2008