servus petr, na endlich was neues! the tower in the middle (horizontal)- that is OK, vertical - no. It is also pitty that there is no second small tower on the left side...
the picture frame is not god - the white line is too broad. the both doors should be the same - not one opened, other closed... Anyway, the compo is not good at all. It is a "front picture" of something. Find bette thing to take pictere of!!
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
great ++
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |
Dieter Schwanznase |