- Technická data:
- Olympus C-350
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Dan Török | 23:30:15 12.12.2006 |
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Francis de Marais: Why don't you Americans learn from us - from our mistakes? Mon Dieux! With your Army, your strength, your power, you could win if you want to! You can win!
Hubert de Marais: The Vietnamese... we worked with them, made something - something out of nothing... We want to stay here because it's ours - it belongs to us. It keeps our family together. I mean, we fought for that. While you Americans... you are fighting for the biggest nothing in history!
Hubert de Marais: The Vietnamese... we worked with them, made something - something out of nothing... We want to stay here because it's ours - it belongs to us. It keeps our family together. I mean, we fought for that. While you Americans... you are fighting for the biggest nothing in history!
Peter Slovák | 19:55:01 19.07.2005 |
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nejako a tu hodnoti nazov a nie fotka ?!! nie som žiadny vojnofil, proste ma to takto napadlo
Jan Pitálek | 14:18:33 19.07.2005 |
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Fotka nejni spatna, proc jsi ale proboha nepouzil jinou valku, treba Afganistan? I bych ti odpustil, ze tahle MI 24 je exportni verze. 4 -1 za název.
Honza Vlček | 08:05:18 19.07.2005 |
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no, název mi taky nesedí, na druhou stranu ale musím uznat, že celkem táhne pozornost, páč jinak se bojím, že by fotka poněkud zapadla mezi ostatní fota na pp. dobrý.
František Křivan | 23:15:03 18.07.2005 |
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Vietnam? Neke! A v pozadí nějaká ruská MI? No leda ten maník je Vie ... ale to je blbost!