Fotografie: Crematorio
Autor: Stefano Diego Catania | |
Kategorie: cestopis
Vloženo: 01:25:56 20.08.2003
- Technická data:
- canon T-70 a Photoshop
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- Nemluvim česky tak dobře, pište anglicky kdyz mužete, dekuju.
This is one of the crematory in Auschwitz... - Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Juri Man | 21:01:56 23.08.2003 | |
I´m just saying that it is not standard crematory, but it is crematory at Poland Concentration Camp at Osviencim. (I wrote it because some of the comments below says that "Everybody must go there" and "I´m looking forward to be there" and so on) and It sounds little bit morbid for me..
Stefano Diego Catania | 16:17:44 22.08.2003 | |
I think I understood the meaning and I agree (if it is what I think)... ...but somebody please can translate for me? Dekuju
Juri Man | 02:50:33 22.08.2003 | |
Pánove, asi by bolo dobré podotknúť, že Auschwitz nie je lyžiarske letovisko v Alpách, ale koncentračný tábor v Osvienčine. Konkrétne toto je jedna z pecí kde fašisti spopolnili niekoľko desiatok tisíc ľudí.. Preto komentáre typu: "Každý tam jednou musíme" alebo "už se na to teším, to bude klid" sa v tomto prípade javia trochu morbídne..
Martin "ELVIS" Baldinsky | 10:29:11 20.08.2003 | |
It's very impressive, but I do not like this framing
Marek Nagy (foki) | 09:08:47 20.08.2003 | |
dobre miesto, fotka technicky trochu slabsia... ramik - povedzme, ze moze byt...
bflm psvz | 08:54:13 20.08.2003 | |
Where was it taken? I don'n thing that the frame "rotatinon" was good idea.
Jakub Schenker *Brňák | 08:52:28 20.08.2003 | |
anglicky moc neumim, ale moc se mi to nelibi. Vepredu prepalene (blesk), zbytek prilis tmavy, nevic nejsem priznivcem sikmych ramecku (nekdy maji vyznam ale tady mi nesedi).