Kamila, I really was not thinking about it. It was one of the last of many photos during a session. Like you said, Hana as very relaxed by that time. I chose this picture for several reasons. It is one of the sharper pictures I took. I like the expression on her face, especially the way her eyes are looking into the camera and she is gently touching the back of her ear. And, like Radim Kostial noticed, I like the diagonal created by her hair, nose, chin, and zipper. I intentionally framed it with Hana to the left side because I have received comments on many of my pictures that the subject it too centered. I like the contrast between the white sweater and the slight shadow on the wall on Hana's left side. So, i think it is a very nice shot. And, for me it is also a nice portrait of Hana.
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David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |
David Balenson |