- Technická data:
- nikon f65
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- comment in english please.
- Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Ján Hronský (žltý dodo) | 09:16:54 01.12.2003 | |
good idea, just a bit boring... I am sure You can take much better shots Gianfranco :o))) I will keep my fingers crossed :o) welcome
Silke Klein | 10:03:19 26.11.2003 | |
Non e brutto, pero ci vorrebbe un po´ piu di acutezza ... Benvenuto - 3+1 :-)
Pan Smazaný | 14:49:35 24.11.2003 | |
Normally, a cetre compozition is undesirable, except for similar concepts like yours. However, it's very contrast and unsharp. Welcome to the photoPOST! :o)
Igor Šperka (admirall) | 13:06:19 24.11.2003 | |
Welcome to PP! Nice picture, but it is not so sharp and I miss details. Probably scan was not well done. I like the picture anyway and we are looking forward to see your work here.