Fotografie: Nel lago...
Autor: Stefano Diego Catania | |
Kategorie: příroda
Vloženo: 22:27:27 05.11.2003
- Technická data:
- canon T-70 Photoshop
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- Nemluvim česky tak dobře, pište anglicky kdyz mužete, dekuju.
- Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Václav Hoš - Wenzel | 00:18:22 15.09.2004 |

I would cut out the vrschhek, i think. But not bad at all
Jana Fuchsová | 13:10:42 09.12.2003 |

Now that's something. I love black and white and this is great, including those little waves on the top. They give it that little bit of 'edge'. Next pleasee....?
LA * blahova | 09:34:01 06.11.2003 |

kompozicne mi to prijde jak od Sakare ty andelove seknuti z profilu.....toto je ale min vypovidajici a ....3+
Anabela Havranová | 08:49:20 06.11.2003 |

Fine impression.Could it be....I like pictures like this.
Lenka Mason | 08:23:31 06.11.2003 |

don't know about the ripples in the water at the top of the picture, Pazitka P mentioned the retush, it could be wee bit sharper, otherwise it's really nice
Pažitka Pažoutova | 03:46:41 06.11.2003 |

Milane??? Nice picture Stefano - I would cut a little bit on the left side or just retush those two little pieces
Magdaléna Kucová | 00:26:00 06.11.2003 |

hezké, jen možná oříznout levou stranu - ty dva černé kousíčky uprostřed (nebo to vyretušovat?)