Fotografie: Fantasma in Česky Krumlov
Autor: Stefano Diego Catania | |
Kategorie: experiment
Vloženo: 17:47:10 15.07.2003
- Technická data:
- canon T-70 a Photoshop
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- Nemluvim česky tak dobře, pište anglicky kdyz mužete, dekuju.
I put the camera on a funtain, in Cesky Krumlov, then 10 sec. of self-timer... me (moving in the middle), Martina (you can see her in my portfolio), and the Zàmek as background - Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Jaro Klein | 15:32:58 07.10.2003 |

Impresive. I like it. It seems to me a little slope to left. 4+
Pan Smazaný | 01:36:36 16.07.2003 |

Stefano, quite disturbing is the tilt to the left. Other than that, I like it a lot, the title makes it coming in a full circle!!! :o))
miloslav doubrava | 21:34:34 15.07.2003 |

the diagonal line of the the wall makes a nice composition frame, however, you seems to me redundant on the picture
Vladimír Toman | 21:06:51 15.07.2003 |

Bylo by vhodné narovnat kácející se linie a zkusit celý snímek zopakovat v takové světelné situaci, kdy jěště obloha není zcela bez kresby, tzn. při stmívání
Vít Schwarzbrunn | 20:26:53 15.07.2003 |

Colours are strange - a bit cold, but Night shots are expected to be in warm colours, so this feels strange :-) And I think that it would be better without You and Martina :-) and buildings falling to the left. but I like it too :-))