- Technická data:
- Canon Powershot S30
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- English, please :-)
- Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Tomáš Deckert | 14:22:59 09.07.2003 |

I saw a similar photo here today and it was a little bit better :)
Pan Smazaný | 12:46:17 09.07.2003 |

Andrea, this a symetrical composition which I don't like much, however, it's fitting here very much! Well done, way to go! (And don't worry about this being a Czech site while you do not speak the language! As you can see, there are people here speaking both Italian and English!) :o))
Miroslav Buček (cubas) | 12:36:05 09.07.2003 |

I got such an idea, why you do not study czech language? this is czech site with czech people (I am little bit grumpy, because I saw yesterday in a pub menu writen in english, but no czech! so ...) I hope, that you will read this comment and when reach the end, you will see that this is not about your photograph
I got such an idea, why you do not study czech language? this is czech site with czech people (I am little bit grumpy, because I saw yesterday in a pub menu writen in english, but no czech! so ...) I hope, that you will read this comment and when reach the end, you will see that this is not about your photograph
Miroslav Buček (cubas) | 09:12:15 09.07.2003 |

mam takovej napad, co kdyby si se naucil czech? je to ceska stranka a cesti uzivatele... (sem takovy rozladeny, protoze sem vcera v hospode zase videl anglicky napsane, co je to za pivo, jen anglicky, zadna cestina, takze...) - doufam, ze si tenhle komentar prelozis a az najedes na konec, pochopis, ze se to netyke tve fotky :-o
Demeter Jurista | 09:02:09 09.07.2003 |

Nice picture, place your sign to an another place... Good work.