- Technická data:
- Canon Powershot S30
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- English comments, if possible... thanks
- Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Pepa Ouředník | 07:32:43 28.05.2003 |

nice mild shot with soothing feeling; white areas are little overexposed, but IMHO still OK; columns are falling right lightly (but probably it's reality there); 4+
Pavlína Jarošová | 19:07:35 27.05.2003 |

At first sight interesting, pleasant tinge and composition, but I think there is a lot of burned! 3+
Eva H | 18:14:56 27.05.2003 |

i think the woman looking away from the picture is a very nice touch... drawing one into the picture making him/her wonder what is she doing/reading/thinking/looks like etc... if you'd turn her, it would immediatly become a tourist picture... (my opinion)
Pan Smazaný | 15:03:14 27.05.2003 |

Sorry, buddy, but I ain't as excited - there's a lot of burned (overexposed) white, and I'am missing the composition. The columns without the heads are like breasts without the tits, also the semi-illuminated woman, looking away form the picture, is quiet confusing. The whole bit seems to be chaotic. I saw much better pictures of yours in the past!
ää* michal kostowski | 12:12:53 27.05.2003 |

skoda toho svetla na stene za prvym parom stlpov... to prepalenie nie je take tragicke, ked prazi slnko, tak prazi slnko, nie?
Pavel Nemec | 11:38:32 27.05.2003 |

líbí. s tím přepálením to není zas až tak moc tragický (si myslím:-))...možná to chtělo trošku podexponovat a dodělat v editoru.
Zdeněk Čermák | 11:29:19 27.05.2003 |

U mě se to také jeví přepálené, ale jinak je to krása....škoda....