- Technická data:
- Coolpix 775
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- prosim if is it possible english comments. Thanks Mauro
- Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Petr Petrů | 21:49:24 13.12.2005 |

Tak tohle teda považuju za výcvak, z toho by snad dobrá fotka nebyla nikdy, to pozadí, okolí, neostré a tak.....fakt děs. nevím proč ti z tohle někdo mohl dát 5 bodů, snad jen za anglický vzkaz
Carol Paral | 18:10:13 26.03.2003 |

I dont like the building, the picture is too "busy" - is there any better angle (with less mess)? BW would be nicer (+ as Pavel Klotzman)
Pan Smazaný | 18:04:54 26.03.2003 |

First, welcome to the club! Now, the sky is overexposed due to incorrecly chosen aperture. Axis-wise, the picture is tilting to the left by about 3 degrees. It is not sharp enough. Most of all, however, the composition is a mess and chaos - the same as the scene. Perhaps it was the objective of your effort to shoot a mess, slowly being taken over by mother nature, but it has to be done with a photographic esthetics consideration. I wish you good light and a bottomless inspiration! Looking forward to your next pictures.
Pažout alias Mike Dockal | 17:55:14 26.03.2003 |

nice object. I would raise the contrast and lower depth of field. This should belong to "Zatisi" category - "Krajina" is for landscapes
Pavel Klotzman | 10:02:33 26.03.2003 |

Tilt to left side, small contrast. But interesting place, maybe BW...? Welcome.
Pavel Klotzman | 10:01:40 26.03.2003 |

Tilt to left side, small contrast. But interesting place, maybe BW...? Welcome.
Imrich Šikora alias Dux | 09:58:59 26.03.2003 |

clouds missing ... .. hmm. but your first PP photo :) WELCOME
Vaclav Kabat | 09:01:16 26.03.2003 |

it is not sharp in the left area of the picture, but in general, I like it....yeah, sky should be blue and a nice cloud would certainly add a contrast to this wasteland... something like romantic versus rotten :-).. thanks for inspiration