Autor: David Balenson | |
Kategorie: přátelé a rodina
Vloženo: 15:23:06 15.09.2005
- Technická data:
- Nikon D70 with 18-70mm DX Zoom Nikkor Lens
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- Taken on Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. Comments in English welcomed.
Here is a version of the picture in a larger format.
- Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Adam "F@ust" Bartas | 20:52:23 27.01.2006 |

quaaality:)) It´s a pity that she didn´t turn her face towards the camera a bit, and I take notice of a small dark dot right next to her head. Very impressive though! 4+
Hana Mentusová | 19:30:29 15.09.2005 |

very nice DB! i like the little wave behind her.... :) i disagree with Tomas K. : even "just a shot on the beach" needs a lot of patience and preparings ...waiting for good light and wave...
Tomáš Kořan | 19:11:36 15.09.2005 |

just a shot on the beach. waiting for the wave, kudoz, but quite common. the girl is juicy, can´t deny:).
Pažitka Pažoutova | 17:37:15 15.09.2005 |

Glamour??? - it's a great picture to the family album........that's about it
Jan Fikáček | 16:04:05 15.09.2005 |

Everybody had to take such a photo, it is rather personal. I suppose that your aim was not to make an artistically perfect picture with romantic atmosphere. For me it is a bit only a common shot. On the other hand the position of the wave is very interesting and the girl is quite beautiful. The position is natural and no so bad, but the light near the sea is not the best one, that is why e.g. their hair does not have a lot of detail what is due to its darkness. On the other side the light could be much worse. Especially her right hand is not in the perfect position, because it is "piping". And of course the picture is too small. IMHO the right hand is to close to the left border. That for exercise of my English. :-)