- Technická data:
- d60, 2 x softbox
- Poznámky a vzkazy:
- Title can help answer the "what is this", "why is this" etc questions ;))
- Popis:
- Klíčová slova:
- exif
Robert Mekiš | 09:47:32 01.12.2004 |

Same comment from me like to your recent photo with the same title. Ne need to repeat myself :))
Jindrich /alchy/ Nemec | 00:26:50 26.11.2004 |

nice helmet, tonality, lighting and composition. the gesture fits the whole atmospehere of the photo. c'est la pohoto, bien.
pt¤ Michal Svoboda | 17:50:14 24.11.2004 |

your photos reminds me artworks from famous painter(well...he's doing an airbrush...) Boris Vallejo and,jeez,I like that!!!!
Tomáš Rücker | 16:19:35 24.11.2004 |

Tady nejni ale vůbec nic k vytknutí!!! Hlavně světlo jest excelent!!!
Martin Hruby | 15:38:59 24.11.2004 |

technicky neni spatne. Ale hodi se ta cepice k te holce? Nebo ta holka k te cepici? Prijde mi to jako nahodna rekvizita